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Page: attentiondeficithyperactivedisorder

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Attention deficit hyperactive disorder  

ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a mental disorder that approximately three to seven percent of children have. Those that are affected by this disorder are characterized by constant behaviour, lots of activity and often thought of as being disobedient. Yet, it is not that the individual is being bad but more so that they cannot control their mental range. Instead of being able to concentrate on one element, they are likely to be thinking about several thus making it quite difficult to concentrate. 


In light of much of the information on ADHD Nutrition, possible causes have wholly been constricted to either genetic inheritability, smoking during pregnancy or lack of nutrition.   


As with most things in the human body, the genetic explanation seems to be the most valid.  With information on ADHD stemming from a genetic explanation, the genes for ADHD Disorder are passed down to the children by the mother and father. This can be partially proven by the high rate of incidence between identical twins. If one twin has ADHD, there is a ninety two percent chance that the other will have it as well. 


This disorder is not just found in children. Many adults are diagnosed with it as well. In adults, it is classified as AADD, or Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. About 30 to 70 percent of all children diagnosed with ADHD will carry on with their disorder through adulthood. It is harder to detect in adults because they have learned to adequately handle the disorder. By learning to live with it and work around it, adults have less of a need for help. Yet, in many cases both children and adults will need medications to help focus attention. 


Symptoms of this disorder in children will be such things as inattentiveness, impulsive behaviour and constant restlessness. These children have a hard time sitting still or concentrating on just one thing for a very long period of time. In adults, it is more difficult to diagnose. It can be seen in the inability to structure their lies and to plan their daily activities. It is often less of a problem for them to stay attentive and to stop restlessness simply because these are secondary problems to daily planning of tasks. 


The symptoms in the adult and the child version are both very different and certain traits that one might think of as normal behaviour may actually be contributing to the ADHD problem.  


The most common symptom in both adults and children suffering with the disease is inattentiveness. Time and time again, people with ADHD are unable to focus their minds on the task at hand. This leads them to feel like they have inadequate time management and organizational skills if they are an adult or restlessness if they are a child. 


ADHD makes a person impulsive. Due to this impulsiveness, a person with ADHD is much more likely to rush into things and take more risks than a normal person. This will usually end up with the ADHD patient getting injured physically or mentally after an accident. 


ADHD is a disorder that can be treated but not cured. It can be lived with or medication may be necessary. Seeking the assistance of medical personnel is necessary in any case.